Grades K-9 Application Deadline Feb15!
We are accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year in grades K-9. The application deadline is 15 February 2025. If you are interested in enrollment in the current school year, send us a message at
Seacoast Classical Academy is an open-enrollment no-tuition public school chartered by the NH State Board of Education. The Academy is committed to academic excellence and family rights. Admission is open to any scholar residing in the State of New Hampshire and wishing a classical education. For scholars residing outside New Hampshire, the non-resident tuition is $14,500.
There are three steps to admission at Seacoast Classical Academy:
If in any grade there are more timely complete applications than the number of available spaces, admission will be offered according to a blind lottery for that grade. The lottery will be held on Saturday March 8th. Each timely applicant will have one entry in the respective grade lottery. Grade lotteries will be conducted in order from lowest to the highest grade. The following exemptions from each grade-lottery will apply on a space-available basis, and in the following order:
All NH-resident non-exempt applicants will be placed in an order by a blind grade-lottery. This order will be used to offer admission to the remaining places in the grade. The supernumerary applicants will be placed, in lottery order, in a grade waitlist. After NH-resident applicants have been either admitted or placed in a waitlist, non-resident applicants will be considered similarly. All applicants will receive written notice of their admission status.
Enrolled scholars will be offered continued enrollment, which can be reserved by returning a signed commitment letter by the application due date. Unenrolled scholars who wish to re-enroll must reapply for admission.
To enroll a scholar offered admission, the family must return, by the date in the offer letter, a signed commitment letter with all information—including, among other information, a copy of a birth certificate, and proof of New Hampshire residency if claiming residency—required for enrollment. Informational and social events will support the transition of newly admitted scholars and families to the Academy.